Spag Bol with a Twist!

Spaghetti bolognaise is as universally loved as the Hemsworth brothers.

Tacos are fun,  roast beef and vegetables for tea are very traditional,  and burrito bowls are the new black.  But old school spaghetti is really the heart and soul of comfort cuisine. It takes the gold medal every time when it comes to nurturing the body and spirit.

I take great pride in my spaghetti recipe that has morphed over the years into my own distinctive version.  I take a laisse faire cooking approach when I cook a huge batch and usually drink a few wines as I cook up my strange spaghetti and throw in some rogue ingredients along the way.  I always play Frank Sinatra’s tunes and think I am Martha Stewart,  even though this is the only dish I cook that my kids actually enjoy eating.

Lady Gaga announced this week she pours rose wine into her special spaghetti bolognaise recipe and even the odd actual rose petal.  Sounds romantic.  So, I asked my friends what their secret ingredient is when it comes to making the perfect pasta for dinner.  The answers were crazy and creative and some were so outrageous they even made me even feel a little anxious at the thought of it all.

  • Sandy puts good quality dark chocolate in her secret batch.
  • My husband likes to put lashings of apple sauce on the finished product as it is a Swiss throwback from his family heritage.
  • Candice adds a sneaky splash or two of her hubby’s special aged Irish Whiskey. Bonkers indeed, but I am going to try it!
  • Balsamic vinegar and vegemite had stacks of nominations with friends swearing by both ingredients for that next level result.
  • Susan is all class and add Persian feta right at the end to give the sauce more creaminess.
  • Courtney adds chilli and fresh parmesan cheese.  Yes please!
  • Melissa swears by extra brown sugar and using beef and pork mince in the one batch.
  • Paula and Kellie use saffron powder to make the Bolognese a different colour. Paula and Kellie,  you are very fancy ladies!
  • Jodie swears by blended Brussel sprouts for the nutritional win.

Worcestershire sauce and eggs are two more popular additions to pour into the family recipe. So, it seems we all take liberties with our spag bog and the twists keep on coming.

  • Sally loves sweet potato in her mince mixture and says it makes it creamier.
  • Debbie who is a very spiritual soul  says the main rule she adheres to is cooking the spaghetti in a slow cooker and letting it simmer for at least four hours.  Sounds intoxicating.
  • Luke clams he pours in orange juice to his gourmet spaghetti while Joanne swears by milk and soy sauce.
  • Joanne is my very good friend,  but I think you are a bit crazy, Jo! Spinach, hot sauce, kidney beans and bone broth also all got nominations to whip  up the perfect pasta.
  • Trena Jane adds anchovies to her sauce.
  • Christine sprinkles in cinnamon and tabasco sauce.
  • Zoey says she adds bananas and I find this bananas!

So at the end of the day I guess we all love the sport of putting a little twist on our family recipes but Julie wins the day with her admission that if you make the spaghetti with love it always tastes a little more magical.

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