I read humans think about sex 8 times a day on average

Best part of my week? It was having a really big belly laugh when I read humans think about sex 8 times a day on average, according to new research.

A poll of 2000 people looked at how frequently respondents think and talk about sex typically in a day. The survey also shows the average person polled speaks about sex in some way on average 5 times a day. Oh please! You know what I think about 8 times a day? Sleeping.  And going to some exotic island where it is happy hour all day long and I only have to leave my hammock to dip my bronzed toes in the Pacific Ocean.  I think about blue cheese numerous times a day and I definitely think about my dogs 8 times a day.

I have also been day dreaming way too much about a revamped TV room that will one day will smell like fresh lavender and have Nordic furniture and big boho cushions scattered on Moroccan rugs I have bought from – you guessed it – Morocco.
In my little fantasy my children and husband sit around in indoor tents strumming Cat Stevens on the guitar and eating organic home made protein balls. It will all resemble a Coachella festival filled with creative boho kids who are all dressed in clean beige linen overalls. Of course our present TV room smells like a pet shop.  A damp pet shop that has not been open to fresh air for a few weeks.  My kids do not wear linen overalls and they in fact are nude for most of their active lives.

There is some nudist gene in our family that was not passed on from me.  Under the couch there could very well be a dead pet or two for all I know.  There is most certainly a plastic cup; a tonne load of Lego; an umbrella; a sock or two; 12 dead cockroaches and a few copies of this magazine.

Yep. It is a cesspit of stuffed toys, Hot Wheel cars, Baby Bjorn outfits and sultanas. What is it about sultanas in your car and under your couch? Anyway, you do not ever want to end up under our couch.  We would never see you again. But this room has served us well for 7 years as a TV room that has somehow morphed into a kids room for my 3 children.  And we have had so many wonderful days and nights in that room watching The Wiggles and Play School and Master Chef.

We have now grown into watching The Living Room and having dance parties on Friday nights and eating popcorn and watching The Avengers movies on weekends. If the kitchen is the heartbeat of our home then this TV room is the kidneys where we go to give our systems a break and try to restore, replenish and rest the senses.  It is where we all flop down when we have battled the world and we need some escapism and some fluffy rugs to warm our souls and flesh.  But I am ready for change.

I am ready to have a room that we are proud to show our family and friends.  So operation New TV Room has commenced.  Catchy title,hey! What I actually mean is that I have started gathering Instagram pictures of amazing TV rooms that are probably sets for magazine shoots or homes to the rich and famous.  Anyway I am sure as heck not thinking about sex 8 times a day.  I will let you know how I go over the next few months with the make over.  If you do not hear from me please send a search party to look under my couch.

Sami xx

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