Listen to MIX FM Light by clicking the logo to the right —->
MIX FM LIGHT means you’ll have an alternative station that’s different to all the other stations on the Sunshine Coast.
Less ads, more variety, MIX FM LIGHT is timeless hits that you love and it’s streaming now!
On MIX FM LIGHT, you’ll hear artists like Neil Diamond, The Beach Boys, The Hollies, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Elvis Presley, The Supremes, John Farnham, The Carpenters, Linda Ronstadt and The Masters Apprentices to name just a few.
How do you listen to MIX FM LIGHT? Click on the MIX FM LIGHT logo to the right or simply download the latest version of our 92.7 MIX FM App from your app store. That way you can easily switch between MIX FM LIGHT and 92.7 MIX FM.
MIX FM LIGHT is also available on your Amazon device, just say “Alexa, play MIX FM LIGHT”.
Less ads, more variety, MIX FM LIGHT is timeless hits that you love and it’s streaming now!